From Overwhelmed to Empowered!

Free Guide: 5 Ways to Keep Calm during Uncertain Times 

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Life wasn't always this way for me...(not even close)

Ever since I was a young child, I was always very moody.  Considered ultra sensitive, my anxiety was always through the roof.  As a young adult I got therapy and took prescription drugs which I thought would help.  I even had an as needed anxiety medication I had a panic keep on me just in case. I just wanted to feel like myself again.I tried different medication and therapists, hypnotherapy, whatever I could find.  When I found out I was pregnant with my son, I decided to stop all medications, even down to over the counter to protect my baby. I liked not taking a bunch of pills daily but I didn’t feel like I was getting any better.  Everyday I put on a face so everyone around me would believe everything was okay when I knew I clearly wasn’t. 

I always clung to a Higher Power for protection and guidance and my faith carried me through many years of uncertainty and very high stress. I was unhappy in my relationships, my job, and more. I felt like my whole life needed a makeover but I had no idea where to even start. One day this lady came into the store where I worked and she shared a new way of thinking.

Now I’m so much happier and feel a million times better overall. My faith in the Universe/Higher Power/God/Spirit grows more and more each day.I am working on my health and wellness and my life has changed drastically. I gained confidence in myself to leave bad relationships, left a job and found a better one (or two).  Most of all I see my dream life vision coming together slowly, yet surely. I’m so excited to help others do the same.I have an amazing support group of awesome women all working together to achieve our dreams. I see that the power of positivity and love is contagious and I’m happy I can share that with the world.  Of course I still have ups and downs but now I have tools to help myself and others that can relate.

Come join our group of amazing ladies all working together to build our dreams in a loving and high vibe atmosphere. 

Are you ready and want to learn more? Contact me! 

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