No, don’t worry this isn’t an infomercial or anything close. I’ve just been contemplating it since it's almost the end of this year and on to the new year. Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving and sat there as an overstuffed turkey from all the food and I couldn’t help but be so filled with joy and gratefulness and feeling just so so so blessed.
Gratitude is the one thing that I have found that shifts negativity or low frequency feels to positive and high vibing. A dear friend encouraged me to try gratitude years ago but I wasn’t ready to work on myself so I would just roll my eyes. This year more than ever I find myself saying my gratitudes first thing when I wake up and before my feet touch the floor in the mornings. I see and feel a big difference in myself and how I show up for my family and community. Attitude and mindset are everything and I love starting each day on a positive foot.
What are some things you are grateful for? I’m so grateful we have our health and can be active and move. I'm so happy and grateful we live in a state that has decent weather all year long with sunshine on most days. Damian is always so full of energy and I am so grateful he’s a happy boy for the most part. He does have his passionate tantrum moments and we are working on shifting those times more together. I’m also grateful to be a better parent this year- less yelling, more loving. More present. It’s definitely not perfect but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m so grateful for the time we’ve gotten to spend this year even though it’s been interesting navigating. I’m grateful for my support system and most importantly my Faith and spiritual life.
There are definitely things I could complain about that happened this year, but it doesn't do any good in my opinion. In fact, it just kills the vibe. I’ve worked at putting my energy and attention on what I focus on. Things that are positive and growing deserve our attention more than ever.
Today, December 1st I’m starting the Glittering Gratitude Challenge. I'd love to have you join me if you want to give this gratitude thing a try for yourself. Everyday for 30 days share a post or video on your social media and tag me with something that you are grateful for. I’ll be going live in my Blissfully Healthy Ladies Facebook Group everyday too and would love you to join us in there if that feels good you are welcome! I’m so grateful for all the support I receive and look forward to give back and help others too.