Change Brings Growth

It’s nice to see more people out and life slowly returning to somewhat normal now that its Spring and it's warming up.  It’s such a contrast to the cold and eerily calm and quiet lock down days.  One night after Damian's soccer practice on the way home I noticed Tiger’s Diner in Glen Park was closed and is now a different cafe place.  On my social media news feed I saw more and more articles and posts about restaurants closing down. One of the most recent ones I saw was the oldest restaurant in Japantown was shutting its doors for good after over 100 years of being in business.

One Saturday I was craving a Hawaiian breakfast with Portuguese sausage, sunny side up eggs and rice and was relieved to see Hawaiian Drive Inn on Mission street was still and very much busy.  There was no indoor dining and only to-go orders.  It was nice to see they pivoted and stayed in business.  On the way back to the car I noticed something else happening.. Change and growth was taking place. There was now a new cute flower shop that wasn’t there before and a new tea and coffee spot to try out. In fact every time I There was a feeling of newness, growth and change. 

While losing something familiar can be difficult it offers an opportunity to grow, learn something new, and gain life experience.  Growth doesn’t come from comfort zones. When we take a risk we can reap the rewards. Sometimes its a success and sometimes its a try again situation but in my opinion its never a loss when trying something new.  I learn something even if I don’t like the result.  I can notice what I notice, see what works and what doesn’t and try again.

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