I’ve been noticing first hand that when I look for good, I see more good around. The opposite is true too. if I look for problems, more problems appear.. I try my best to keep a positive mindset and stay on a high frequency as much as possible.
One of the ways I do this is by being mindful of what I give my attention to because it can affect me sometimes without me knowing it. . When I'm driving, I only listen to songs that make me feel good. I don’t listen to the traffic report or news because the tone is usually opposite of how I want to feel.
I still stay informed about what’s going on and I felt the nudge to write about this. The ugliest thing I keep hearing about over and over on the news and media is hate. So much hate spewing through racism and violence. I know that it comes from fear over generations and generations. It’s been going on for so many years. I have no idea how long it will take before we won’t hear of another police shooting or hate crime.
But I also refuse to believe that nothing can be done. What can we do? We can work on ourselves and heal our souls from whatever we went through. That takes work for sure. It means being honest and real and asking for help from Above.
The biggest responsibility parents have is to teach our children the importance of kindness and equality. We are all humans and all bleed the same. In one of the books Damian’s class read this week was about how when we all get xrays, we all look exactly the same -The same organs and skeleton and we all bleed red.
I choose to believe we can make the world a better place by holding space and coming from a place of love. When we do this, it's safe for us to be ourselves and be vulnerable. I want more real conversations and connections. Those are the moments that really matter most. Life is way too short so let’s stop with the small talk like the weather or what we ate for dinner. Let’s talk about what’s really going on even if they are hard conversations to have. The greater the risk the greater the reward. .
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