Boosted my credit score super easily with this...

As someone who has struggled with their credit in the past, I can confidently say that using Self Lender has been a game-changer for me. Self Lender is a financial tool that has helped me improve my credit score, and I want to share my experience with you.

Before I started using Self Lender, my credit score was less than ideal. I had a few late payments and some high credit card balances that were dragging down my score. I knew I needed to take action to improve it, but I wasn't sure where to start.

That's when I discovered Self Lender. It's a product that allows you to take out a secure loan, which means you borrow money and use your own savings as collateral. This type of loan is perfect for people who are looking to build or rebuild their credit score. And the best part is, your payments are reported to all three credit bureaus!

I signed up for Self Lender and took out a small loan. I made a monthly payment of only $35 over a year, and at the end of the year, I had paid off the loan and received my savings back. During that year, I saw a significant improvement in my credit score because of the on-time payments and the added diversity of credit.

Using Self Lender has helped me feel more empowered about my finances. I know that I'm taking steps to improve my credit, and that feels great. And now that my credit score has improved, I'm able to qualify for better interest rates and better credit card offers. Before I wasn't able to even get a credit card.

If you're also looking to improve your credit score, I highly recommend giving Self Lender a try. It's an easy and effective way to build credit while also saving money. With Self Lender, you'll be on your way to a healthier credit score in no time! Here's my link if you want to try it out for yourself and if not no biggie.  Here's to taking care of our finances even if it's baby steps along the way.

How To Keep Your Sanity At Work With Caddy Coworkers

As working moms, our lives are already hectic. We are juggling the needs of our children, our homes, and our jobs all at once. So when we have to deal with difficult coworkers or caddy coworkers at work, it can be a major source of stress and anxiety. But there is hope! Here are some tips on how to rise above caddy coworkers and keep your sanity at work. 

It’s important to make time for yourself during the day. Take a few minutes every day to do something that you enjoy, such as reading a book or taking a walk outside. This will help you relax and refocus so that you can tackle any difficult situation that comes up with your caddy coworker head-on without letting your emotions get the best of you. 
When dealing with difficult people like caddy coworkers, it’s easy to take their comments personally or feel like they are out to get you. But it’s important to stay level-headed and remember that their actions may not be about you—they may just be having a bad day or dealing with some sort of personal issue that has nothing to do with you. Taking things personally will only make the situation worse and add more stress into your life than necessary. 

When handling difficult people in the workplace, setting boundaries is key! Decide what behavior is acceptable for yourself and stick to those boundaries no matter what anyone else says or does. That way, if someone crosses those boundaries, you can stand firm knowing that you have set clear expectations for yourself and won’t tolerate anything less than what you expect from others. It’s important to remember that while it might not always be easy, setting boundaries will ultimately help keep your sanity at work by creating an environment of respect and understanding between yourself and your coworkers. 

Dealing with difficult people in the workplace can be stressful and overwhelming as a working mom, but don't despair! With these tips on how to rise above caddy coworkers and keep your sanity at work, you can stay focused on being productive without letting negative energy bring you down. By taking time for yourself each day, not taking things personally when dealing with difficult people, and setting clear boundaries for yourself in the office, you can create an atmosphere of respect and productivity even when faced with caddy coworkers!