4 Super Easy Ways to Boost Immunity Naturally

I’ve been hearing more and more about the importance of a healthy immune system. The human body is amazing. There are nine body systems and when each system is functioning  smoothly, the body runs like a well oiled machine. All the body systems play a vital part. The immune system protects the body from infections.  Here are a few easy things my family does regularly to keep our immune systems healthy.

  1. Get enough sleep.  Get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep so your body can rest and repair itself to function at a high level.  I used to stay up late to get work done after my little one went to sleep but now I find that I get more done in the morning when he’s sleeping. I also feel better when I get my sleep in. I’m usually in bed by 11 or 11:30 at the latest where before I would stay up until 2 or sometimes 3 in the morning.

  2. Eat a colorful diet.  When you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables in different colors you will be nourishing your body with much needed vitamins and minerals. Fruits are the real fast food. Way faster than drive-thru or microwave even. It takes about a minute to peel an orange and less than thirty seconds to peel a banana.  Carrots are high in beta carotene and help maintain good eye health.  Oranges are a good source of Vitamin C which studies have shown boost the immune system.

  3. Do the things that you like to do and make you happy.  Ask yourself what you would love. If you love outdoors, go explore a new hiking spot. If you love art, make a new piece. If you love reading, find a new book. Life is too short to be unhappy. I know most of us are busy and always on the go. I find when I remember to have fun, laugh and do something I love I feel better and the more happy chemicals made in the body and sent to the brain the better.  

  4. Thieves all day. This essential oil blend recipe was based on the 4 Thieves Vinegar from the time of the Bubonic Plague. A group of thieves somehow managed to stay healthy even when death was all around them. They escaped being held captive by sharing their secret. They stole herbs and spices from the dead and then would then create a mixture to use topically and internally.  My son and I both rub a drop of thieves oil on the bottoms of our feet before we put our socks and shoes on everyday.  From time to time we will get the sniffles or a slight cough but the recovery and bounce back time is so much faster now.  

I hope this blog was helpful for you. If you liked these tips, join my Facebook group for more info.  We are a high vibe group of empowered women all working on our health and wellness together.