Who inspired me to start living my dream

For many years I was in survival mode. I wasn’t sure when I got home from school or work if I was going to walk into peace and calm or insane chaos. I was only focused on staying safe and making sure I was getting to work to collect my paycheck. I had severe anxiety and depression and had no idea how I was going to keep this rat race up. I felt like a mom zombie going through the motions and barely surviving because that’s what I was expected to do.

Thankfully a couple years later, I connected with my life coach Lauren. She spoke at a workshop at my previous job and her message really resonated with me.  I respected her because she was intelligent, articulate and kind. Before her the life coaches that I met before her kind of made me feel like they were trying to fix me. Lauren was different and I could tell that she believed in me and still does

I remember a story she told at the first workshop I heard her speak at.  She told a story about a fisherman who every time he caught a fish would hold it up to a broken off ruler. If it was smaller than the ruler he would put it in his cooler and if it was longer, he would throw it back into the water. This happened over and over. This got the curiosity of a younger, less experienced fisherman. He went up to the older fisherman and asked about his interesting strategy.  The old man explained that the broken off ruler was the size of his frying pan.  It was funny yet thought provoking.  

It’s a funny story because why not get a bigger frying pan for bigger fish to fry.  And its thought provoking because it made me wonder how many times in the past I’ve put limits on myself either knowingly or unknowingly that stopped me from opportunities. It’s a good reminder that the possibilities are endless.

One of the biggest tells of a good mentor is one who practices what they preach and Lauren definitely does that. When I first met her she had just left her teaching job to start her coaching business and she is blowing up. When I see the success stories of her clients I knew that I had to say yes and get help too.  

If you liked this blog and would love to learn more about Lauren Brollier, check out her website www.soulsavvy.com. I can not recommend her enough!