Yesterday I stayed home from work because I wasn't feeling well. I had not slept well the night before and woke up with an excruciating migraine. My head hurt, my eyes hurt from light and I knew I needed to just take the day off for myself. I’ve had a very highly stressful week with unexpected things happening. One of the things was that my car wasn’t running safely so my car and I have been staying put. This was the first time in a long time that I’ve given myself permission to take a rest day with no guilt. I knew I had to honor myself in this way. .
This isn’t the first time Instacart has helped me. Even before the pandemic Instacart was a life saver. When I was going through a nasty custody battle in court over my son when he was 3 years old and needed extra funds, I worked for them as a shopper. I remembered years ago that my Aunty Tracie worked as one when she lived in New York City and I thought why not give it a try. Using their mobile app I would shop in various stores and then deliver groceries. It was a decent side gig. Sometimes I’d bring Damian with me and he’d help me shop for the orders or help me when I was delivering. I was grateful for the additional income stream to help with the bills and costs of living on my own since my day job didn’t cover all my expenses.
Then a few years later when we were on lockdown for several months, Instacart came through for me as a customer. Being extremely cautious about leaving my apartment during quarantine, the ease of having our groceries delivered helped me immensely. Every shopper has been nice and when there is an issue, which is rare, is handled right away. Overall I like the customer service, ease and income they provide.
If you’d love to take one more thing off your to-do list and want to give them a try, use my link https://inst.cr/t/MFByWk1NMzM3 to get $10 off your first order and let me know what you think!