Travel as Self Care

Travel as Self Care
In our fast-paced world, self-care has become more important than ever. This can take many forms—be it a warm bath, a good book, or a quiet evening at home—one of the most transformative ways to nurture your well-being is through travel. Traveling is not just about visiting new places; it’s an act of self-love that can rejuvenate your spirit and enrich your life.

When we step outside our daily routines and explore somewhere new, we give ourselves permission to breathe. The hustle and bustle of everyday life can leave us feeling drained and overwhelmed. Traveling allows us to escape the noise, even if just for a little while. Whether it’s the sound of waves crashing on a distant shore or the rustle of leaves in a serene forest, nature has a unique way of calming our minds and restoring our energy.

Traveling opens our eyes to different cultures, traditions, and ways of life. Each destination offers a unique story, and immersing ourselves in the experience shapes our view of the world. We learn to appreciate diversity and, in turn, gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. This journey of self-discovery can be incredibly healing, helping us to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace new possibilities.

The experiences we gather while traveling become cherished memories that we carry with us for a lifetime. Whether it’s sharing laughter with new friends, savoring a delicious meal, or witnessing a breathtaking sunset, these moments enrich our lives and remind us that life is meant to be lived fully and joyfully.

Traveling provides the perfect opportunity to reconnect with ourselves. Away from the distractions of daily life, we can reflect on our dreams, desires, and passions. Whether it’s journaling by the beach or hiking a mountain trail, these moments of solitude allow us to listen to our hearts and remember what brings us joy.

Traveling often comes with its own set of challenges—missed flights, language barriers, or unexpected weather changes. Navigating these obstacles can teach us resilience and going with the flow.. Each challenge we overcome while traveling strengthens our ability to face difficulties in our everyday lives. We return home not just with souvenirs, but with a renewed sense of confidence and empowerment.

Traveling fosters a deep sense of gratitude. When we witness the beauty of the world and experience the kindness of strangers, we are reminded of the abundance that surrounds us. This gratitude extends beyond our travels; it seeps into our daily lives, helping us to appreciate the little things we often take for granted.

Traveling is more than just a getaway; it’s a heartfelt journey of self-care that nurtures our minds, bodies, and souls. It invites us to explore, reflect, and grow, reminding us of the beauty that exists both within and around us. So, the next time you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, consider packing your bags and embarking on an adventure. Your heart will thank you for it. 🌍❤️✈

Pausing is Part of the Dance

Pausing is Part of the Dance

It’s officially back to school time. Parents and kids are excited and nervous as we navigate going back to in person classes in the Bay Area.

This year’s start was an interesting one. Damian started off the week in a whirlwind.  Day one he got hit in the eye by a new kid who got upset after kickball. I’m so proud of him that he didn’t lose his temper and fight back. Day two he had a really bad tummy ache. Today is Day 3 as I write this and I wasn’t sure at first if he should go to school or stay home. 

In the past I would have just powered through it and made him go to school and pushed myself to go to work. This time I talked to a few trusted friends to see what they thought and I decided to trust my gut and keep him home.  Years ago I’d be so mad at myself if I needed to take a day off.  I’d freak out over how many hours I’d be getting and be worried sick and full of fear. Today thankfully it’s a different story.  I know when I trust in God and am open to the possibilities good things happen. Things start coming together more and more and this adds to the belief that everything happens for a reason.   

Maybe D was overstimulated and stressed from the transition from our very small circle to over 300 kids and starting a new grade with a new teacher. This was very different from second grade which was distance learning from home with me. Regardless, it was clear he needed his rest so staying home was the best option to spend the day together taking it easy. 

I got my child development bachelor's degree years ago and I’m using it in my own way by making a positive impact on families starting with my own.  We are more loving and kind to each other and our communication is so much better.  I had to work on myself first and I see now it’s how you treat people that impacts people  one way or another. In deciding to be kinder to myself, I am reminded that it’s perfectly okay and healthy to take a pause. I used to associate taking a pause as quitting and I don’t like giving up. Now I see the pause as part of the dance.  We go forward and back, take a spin here, go slower, or faster there. It’s all part of the journey.     

I give myself permission to take a rest day or a break as needed. I understand and appreciate those breaks now. I realize it's a way of honoring and taking care of myself.  Without the necessary pauses, we can dangerously burn out like the candle burning at both ends.  Let’s enjoy every moment because it goes by so fast! I can’t believe Damian is in the 3rd grade already! I share my light and message of love and care for ourselves, our keikis, and communities. Together we can have our positive impact be felt all over the world.   

If you liked this blog and would love to be part of my community where we deep dive into more like this, I invite you to join my group All Heart and Hopeful Resilient Moms Woke to Wellness.  Above all it’s a heart centered and positive safe place to share and grow together.  

My main goal for 2021 might surprise you.

At the beginning of the year I thought about what was important to me and how I wanted my 2021 to turnout.  After 2020 I had the chance to pause and pivot while being on lockdown. In January, I came up with goals in several key areas of life.  I thought about what I wanted my life to look like with my family, fun, finance, field, fitness, friends and faith. I came up with 3 goals in each of these categories and from those 7 goals picked the one that resonated with me the most. In my past, I probably would have easily picked fitness and to lose so many pounds. This time I wanted to do something new and different. I choose me, all of me.  I decided my number one goal for this year was to be my own best friend.  

Over half the year has gone by and I realized that it was time to check in and evaluate how things are going with my goal.

The first part of this goal was to get to know myself more. Like really get to know myself for me and really examining what’s in my heart of hearts.  After becoming a mommy, raising Damian was my focus and overtook my life.  It’s still definitely a huge part and I love being a mom but besides that who was I? I really thought about what values were important to me and why.  In 2019 I broke up with my then boyfriend and I was sad but also relieved. I needed a break from trying to please others and start making myself happy.  It was the first time I let myself be single and focus on myself first.  In my past I’d go from relationship to relationship and I knew it wasn’t healthy. Instead I started to date myself. It was of course painful at first but now I like not having to answer to anyone and I do what I want when I want period.  

After some self-examination with a heart centered approach instead of the harsh "shoulding" on myself constantly, I focused on the friendship part and thought about the relationships I have in my close circle.  My tribe, as I call them, believes in me and reminds me of my awesomeness just for being me.  They reassure me that my heart is one of gold and my resilience in how far I’ve come. They love me for me on my good and bad days and remind me I'm enough just the way I am. This year I've been more mindful about how I talk to myself and therefore treat myself.

One of the biggest parts of being my own best friend is listening to my gut more and being more confident in my skin. Taking a pause when needed to ask myself what I would really love and listen for the answer helped me be more in tune with myself. I am still very much a work in progress but I am happy that I am making myself a top priority after neglecting myself for many years.  I’m grateful for my tribe and the unconditional love they give so freely.  

If you liked this blog and would love more, feel free to hop into my group All Heart and Hopeful, Happy and Healthy Moms where we talk about topics like this and more.