Five Minute Face for Busy Ladies

As a busy mom, time is very valuable.  I’m always looking for ways to save time and money.  Something that I noticed is that I always feel a little better when I feel more put together.  I don’t do my makeup everyday. My style is laid back, comfy and cute. I love my leggings and comfy tshirts and hoodies. I’ve been staying home during the pandemic and enjoying not having to dress up in business casual attire. 

I can find a few minutes, I can lock myself in the bathroom if I need to and put on my face. Sometimes I even do this in my car when it’s warming up if I need to go somewhere. 

If you only have 1 minute to spare, I would recommend moisturizing your skin. I love my Art Light Moisturizer. Skin is the largest organ in the body and we need to stay moisturized. A couple of other ways to keep skin healthy is to make sure to drink a ton of water and get enough sleep.

If you only have 2 minutes, I would recommend moisturizing the entire face and put some color on the lips. Different colors can make it fun and be an easy way to express yourself. Sometimes I’m feeling a cutesy pink, other times a hot pink or even a bad ass dark red color.  I use either lipstick or lip gloss or sometimes a lip gloss over my lipstick for extra color and shine.  Play with different color combinations and have fun!

If you have 3 to 5 minutes you can put on foundation and or some concealer and eyeliner and mascara for eyes.  I put my foundation first and then concealer to cover up any blemishes or dark eyes. Then I line my eyes and add some mascara and I’m done. 

Just like any other products you use, it’s super important to know what ingredients are going to be on your skin. Most of my makeup is clean and made without chemicals or other harmful ingredients. Just like anything, you get what you pay for. Makeup that is high quality will last longer because it’s made with more care and top quality ingredients.

Check out this video on my YouTube channel to see how I do my 5 minute face step by step tutorial.