It’s officially back to school time. Parents and kids are excited and nervous as we navigate going back to in person classes in the Bay Area.
This year’s start was an interesting one. Damian started off the week in a whirlwind. Day one he got hit in the eye by a new kid who got upset after kickball. I’m so proud of him that he didn’t lose his temper and fight back. Day two he had a really bad tummy ache. Today is Day 3 as I write this and I wasn’t sure at first if he should go to school or stay home.
In the past I would have just powered through it and made him go to school and pushed myself to go to work. This time I talked to a few trusted friends to see what they thought and I decided to trust my gut and keep him home. Years ago I’d be so mad at myself if I needed to take a day off. I’d freak out over how many hours I’d be getting and be worried sick and full of fear. Today thankfully it’s a different story. I know when I trust in God and am open to the possibilities good things happen. Things start coming together more and more and this adds to the belief that everything happens for a reason.
Maybe D was overstimulated and stressed from the transition from our very small circle to over 300 kids and starting a new grade with a new teacher. This was very different from second grade which was distance learning from home with me. Regardless, it was clear he needed his rest so staying home was the best option to spend the day together taking it easy.
I got my child development bachelor's degree years ago and I’m using it in my own way by making a positive impact on families starting with my own. We are more loving and kind to each other and our communication is so much better. I had to work on myself first and I see now it’s how you treat people that impacts people one way or another. In deciding to be kinder to myself, I am reminded that it’s perfectly okay and healthy to take a pause. I used to associate taking a pause as quitting and I don’t like giving up. Now I see the pause as part of the dance. We go forward and back, take a spin here, go slower, or faster there. It’s all part of the journey.
I give myself permission to take a rest day or a break as needed. I understand and appreciate those breaks now. I realize it's a way of honoring and taking care of myself. Without the necessary pauses, we can dangerously burn out like the candle burning at both ends. Let’s enjoy every moment because it goes by so fast! I can’t believe Damian is in the 3rd grade already! I share my light and message of love and care for ourselves, our keikis, and communities. Together we can have our positive impact be felt all over the world.