What is Rockstar Moms?

Rockstar Moms was created for the overworked, overwhelmed mom that has a ton on her mind and her to do list feels incredibly long. They may feel like they are drowning with all their responsibilities and feel like they’re stuck in a hopeless situation. She may be in a toxic relationship feeling alone and unworthy of being happy.  She may be depressed and always angry and overly anxious without even realizing it. She may have young kids at home that need her to show up for them daily. She may feel like she’s living her own groundhog day over and over and over again.

Why did I create this course?? That woman was me about 6 years ago.  My son was 2 years old and I was depressed, discouraged and on the verge of giving up. My son’s dad and I had a very rocky relationship and I nearly resigned to the idea that my life was going to stay the same or get worse and the thought that my life would get better seemed too good to be true.  I felt alone and confused. I worked my tail off at my job that I hated because I was in survival mode. 

Today my life looks and feels so much better than it did not that long ago.  I reached out and asked for help when I realized that it was too much for me. I got into support groups and created my own community and started working on my connection to my Higher Power.  I moved into my own apartment and got a better job closer to home so no more crazy commute. I worked on my self care and started loving myself for my resilient heart and not so focused on outside appearance or worrying about pleasing others but made myself a priority.  I started dreaming again and little by little my dreams are becoming reality.

In a nutshell, I created this course to help moms realize and remember their worth.  I want moms to know they are supported, seen, heard and above all loved.  We have weekly momentum calls with group coaching to ask questions and get support. I share my steps on how I took back my life, reclaimed it and made it mine again. I remembered who I am and worked on my confidence and forgave myself for not knowing any better before.  Now i see that my struggle can help so many more moms that are going through similar situations and that gives me hope and encouragement to do even more and speak out for those who can't or aren't ready to yet

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