I started my own business in April 2018 in the natural health and wellness industry. I was nervous and scared but excited and ready to take on this new chapter in my life. I couldn't wait to tell my best friend at the time.  She was in fact the very person that told me about the fluoride in toothpaste and the aluminum in deodorant.  She taught me about burning palo santo and sage.  I thought she would be proud and excited for me and I hoped she would be on board.  I met her when I was 19 years old on Maui as coworkers. We hit it off and were instantly inseparable for 2 years before I moved to San Francisco.  She even moved to the mainland a few years later and lived with me in San Francisco for a few months several years before my son was born. 

I remember one of the last conversations with her.  I had just listened to her rant and rave about something for half an hour. My company had an extremely good deal and I just wanted to tell her about it in case she wanted to take advantage of the price cut. Before I could finish my sentence she totally cut me off.  I don’t wanna hear it! She screams at me and continues to go off.  Oh okay no worries I try to stammer out and hung up.  I was shocked that she acted that way, but more importantly that conversation made me decide that from that point on I was not going to be quiet and I was not going to stop believing in my truth and purpose. I didn’t speak up for myself during that conversation but i wish i did at that time.  From then on i made a decision that I would speak up for myself and not let anyone try to dim my light.  That experience because it made me so much stronger. This was also when I decided it was time to take a look at who the key people were in my life and if they should continue on that way or if it was time to cut some cords. Cutting her out was difficult but knowing that I could and I would continue on without my best friend empowered me. She was the first of several people I distanced myself from and I'm so grateful for it.  I’m so much stronger now. I’m speaking up for myself and others more and I’m serving my tribe daily.   I’m also much more protective of my space and energy and who I give that too. I am surrounded by loving and strong females who see my worth and remind me that I am imperfectly perfect and that’s totally okay and we can do life together hand in and hand without any judgments. I feel seen and heard and excited for what’s to come because i'm choosing to shine my light for no reason and help others.

If you liked this blog I’d love to have you join my group of empowered women working together on our health and wellness goals together.  Here’s the link to join: https://bit.ly/AHMBHL


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