Looking back there are choices or forks in the road that had a big influence on where I am today. 

One of the first forks in the road for me was when I was 10 years old. My parents rekindled their romance and decided to move to Maui from Kauai. They had asked if I wanted to go with them but I had just got accepted into the same school that my friends were going to so I said I wanted to stay on a Kauai and my aunt and uncle agreed to take me in. 

The next fork in the road that I can remember was when I was 16 I was told it was time for me to switch schools again and I had a choice between a very conservative school in California or a more reasonable school in Michigan. I had wanted to either stay at my school that I had attended since the 5th grade and or a boarding school on Oahu but my aunt and uncle refused. I ended up choosing the Michigan school and I made several close friends there that I still keep in contact with even now 20 years later. 

A third fork was after my first hard breakup. I moved to San Francisco to be with my boyfriend at the time and after 3. 1/2 years together I had to decide if I was going to stay in the Bay Area or go back home to Hawaii. I chose to stay and get my degree. My initial plan was to come up to California for 4 years to get my degree and come right back home but that didn’t happen. 

There's another fork that may seem shocking or maybe you didn't know I went through. Check out the video above if you're curious :) 

These are just a few examples of times where God, the universe, my creator looked out for me and guided me on the right path for me. There are many other times I can think of that I am thankful for every step along the way. The journey has been an interesting one with twists and turns and many obstacles and it’s still a journey I’m learning to navigate. All the memories, the good and the bad, the highs and lows, all helped shape me into what and who I’m becoming and I’m so grateful for all of it and what's coming next.

Would love to hear some of your forks in the road that made a big impact on your path.  I find it so interesting how we all got here and continue to grow individually and together.

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