Our beautiful, amazing and strong bodies are made up of 60% water. It is so important to stay hydrated so our cells can get the oxygen they need to function properly. Other benefits are healthier skin (aka less wrinkles), lubricated joints, and increased energy levels and brain function just to name a few.
It is recommended to drink 8 glasses or 64 oz per day. If you can do more, half of your body weight in ounces is a great goal and if you want to really go above and beyond drink a gallon a day or 128 oz. Here are 5 tricks I use to make sure I get enough water each day.
Get a cute water bottle. Decorate and make your water bottle something you want to carry around. I love my lavender hydro flask. Also a bigger water bottle 32 oz or above means just two full bottles and you have your 8 glasses for the day. Also carrying your water bottle around is also a visual reminder to take a drink.
Take sips throughout your day. Sounds obvious but sometimes the day just gets away from me or goes by so fast that before you know it, it’s almost 4 in the afternoon and I’ve barely had any water. Here’s a couple of easy ways to try out: Some ways or little hacks I use is to drink a glass or two of water before eating which also makes you feel more full. Also aim to drink one glass per hour during the regular 9-5 workday hours. Set a timer if you need to. Or if every hour sounds too much, double up and drink 2 glasses every 2 hours. I like to refill my water bottle as soon as I drink it if possible so I am ready for more.
Drinking water means more trips to the bathroom. I like to make it a game to see how clear my pee is. If it’s a dark yellow that means I definitely need to be drinking more water. The clearer it is the closer I am to my daily goal. This is also helpful if you lose count of the cups you’ve had for the day because you have other things you’re trying to remember and keep track of. (Am I right?!)
4. Swap out sugary juices and soda for water instead. I like to add some yummy fruit to my water for added taste. My favorite way to drink water is with lemon. Ice cold water with lemon is a nice refreshing drink. When I don’t have fresh lemons, I add a drop of YL Lemon Vitality essential oil to my drink. I highly recommend using a stainless steel or glass cup when adding essential oils to drinks.
I hope this was helpful for you. If you liked this information and thirsty for more (see what I did there?!) , I’d love to have you join my group of women all working on our health and wellness goals together. It’s totally free and a wonderful community and we’d love to have you. If it sounds like a good fit, send me a message and if not totally no biggie. Just though I'd ask.